NEB 15 - Recent Developments in Gravity
20-23 June 2012, Chania, Greece

A conference of the Hellenic Society on Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology hosted by the TEI of Crete

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A. Blanchard (Toulouse) N. Andersson (Southampton)
T. Papakostas (Crete) [CHAIR]
L. Blanchet (Paris) E. Berti (Oxford, MS)
D. Pliakis (Crete) [Co-CHAIR]
M. Dafermos (Cambridge) S. Fairhurst (Cardiff)
T. Apostolatos (Athens)
C. Kiefer (Cologne) B. Kleihaus (Oldenburg)
K. Kokkotas (Tuebingen/Thessaloniki)
E. Kiritsis (Crete) P. Laguna (Atlanta)
M. Plionis (Athens)
S. Mukhanov (Munich) N. Mavromatos (London)
M. Sakellariadou (London)
D. Shoemaker (Atlanta) S. Odintsov (Barcelona) E. Vagenas (Athens)
  J. Sola (Barcelona)  
  J. Zanelli (Valdivia)
SPECIAL LECTURE: Prof. Demetrios Christodoulou (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

PUBLIC TALK: "Modern Cosmology: The cosmic history and the fate of the Universe"
Dr. Spyros Basilakos
(RCAAM, Academy of Athens)   [in Greek]


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